
-bb, --blue-b            Use blue on black background color theme.
-bw, --blue-w            Use blue on white background color theme.
-c,  --clean             Start clean.  (Clears playlist)
-d,  --debug             Run in debug mode.
-e,  --editor EDITOR     Specify a different editor to use.
-gb, --green-b           Use green on black background color theme.
-gw, --green-w           Use green on white background color theme.
-h,  --help              Show this help info.
-H,  --clear-history     Clear history of commands on startup.
-nc, --no-colors         Create output with no colors.
-p,  --plain             Create plain output.  (No colors and special
                         terminal features)
-q,  --quiet             Quiet mode.  (Show warnings and errors only)
-r,  --refresh-library   Refresh library at startup.
-s,  --silent            Silent mode.  (Really no output)
-u,  --use-escape-codes  Force use of escape codes on output even if
                         output is not a terminal.
-v,  --verbose           Be verbose.
-V,  --version           Show version and exit.